“The Grand” is a short crime/thriller that follows three separate characters as their worlds collide over the course of a single night on the streets of Nottingham. From loan sharks to blackmail, drug trafficking and prostitution, “The Grand” weaves its way through the city to a devastating yet unavoidable climax.
Official Selection - Aesthetica Film Festival 2013.
"The Grand is a smart and energised story about the money-go-round of debt repayment. Driven by strong performances and atmospherically set entirely at night, it has an aching sense of loneliness and sadness within the city - without letting the cliches of the gangster genre it obviously comes from overwhelm it." David MacKenzie (Dir. Starred Up, Hallam Foe).
Written & Directed By Simon Dymond.
Produced By Sophia Ramcharan.
Executive Producer - Steve Deery.
DoP - Karl Poyzer
Starring Joseph Maudsley, Lucy Varney, Michael Kenneth Stewart
Official Selection - Aesthetica Film Festival 2013.
"The Grand is a smart and energised story about the money-go-round of debt repayment. Driven by strong performances and atmospherically set entirely at night, it has an aching sense of loneliness and sadness within the city - without letting the cliches of the gangster genre it obviously comes from overwhelm it." David MacKenzie (Dir. Starred Up, Hallam Foe).
Written & Directed By Simon Dymond.
Produced By Sophia Ramcharan.
Executive Producer - Steve Deery.
DoP - Karl Poyzer
Starring Joseph Maudsley, Lucy Varney, Michael Kenneth Stewart