In Development


Little Green Men - Feature

Ian Manville is a bin man in his forties. After having been missing for five days straight, he returns claiming to have been abducted by aliens. Desperate to show his family (and the world) that he is not crazy, Ian sets out to prove that aliens exist.

Early Development Funding supported by BFI Network.


Charlie Westlake (left) Dominic Garfield (right), Eggbert (chicken)

Lord of the Free Range - Feature

Together with co-writer Joseph Willis, we are exploring a feature film adaptation of our short film, which would pick up with Magnolia’s church several years down the line on a remote compound - the cult having become much larger, more mysterious and dangerous since it’s inception.


Tom Blyth, Wash Club - Short

Wash Club - Feature

When I began the Wash Club journey with writer Ross Sutherland, we never expected it to be anything more than a short film. Fast forward two years and with the rise of fake news and social crazes such as the tide pod challenge, turning Wash Club into a feature has never felt more relevant. It’s early days yet, but we’re in the process of developing our Laundry-Cult story for the big screen.

Thriller/Dark Comedy.


Concept art by Karl Poyzer

A lonely astronaut realises seeks friendship at the edge of the galaxy. More info coming soon.
